What are the 4C's of child development?

Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking

In today’s economy, mastering the traditional “Three R’s” (reading, writing, and arithmetic) is insufficient for students seeking to compete in today’s global economy. Today’s world requires proficient communicators, creators, critical thinkers, and collaborators.

The Partnership for 21st Century has included the following strategies to help children develop these skills:


Look for opportunities to focus on children’s interests.


Encourage all types of play within the learning environment—dramatic, constructive, creative, physical, and cooperative play.

Cooperative Learning

Provide opportunities for children to play and to interact with each other.

Blended Approach

Connect online play with hands-on play.

Flexible Attitude

Be willing to change the plan.

Differentiated Instruction

Change it up. When guiding children, use different approaches and consider the learning styles of each child.

Formative Assessment

Observe children as they play. What skills have they developed and what are they just beginning to learn?

Whole Child Focused

Provide opportunities to help children develop skills beyond early language, literacy, and mathematics. Offer feedback and encouragement regularly to reinforce academic skills and social emotional learning. These practices will help children foster self-esteem.